Believe, Achieve, Succeed
Mrs Taylor is the teacher in 5T and Mrs Lavin is the teacher in 5l. Mrs Gillies is the teaching assistant working in Year 5.
All pupils in school receive the same homework.
Reading—All children will bring home a home/school reading book. This book is matched to your child’s word reading and comprehension ability. It is expected that reading books are changed weekly. The children are responsible for putting their book and school planner in the reading book box in their classroom when it is ready to be changed.
Spelling—Spellings will be given out Friday and tested the following Friday. We will do activities on these during the week before the test.
Times Tables—All pupils have access to TTRockStars. Times tables are a vital part of the maths curriculum and good times table knowledge supports children’s learning in any areas of mathematics including fractions, area and long multiplication. We teach times tables in all year groups and recommend that children practise regularly at home too.
To access TTRockStars, your child will need their personal log-ins.
Reading Books
Your child should now be bringing home a reading book every week to share with you. When your child is ready to change their book, we recommend a weekly change unless they are not following the reading scheme. Please sign their planner to confirm that the book has been read and it is their responsibility to place the reading book with their name on in the classroom box. Please ask questions and discuss the text with your child to ensure they fully understand what they have read.
Frequent reading sessions at home with a parent is key to a child’s success in reading, but also in many other areas of the curriculum. Shared reading and discussion of the story are very helpful. Please encourage your child to read with expression and to express opinions about the characters in the story, the plot, and what might happen next to further develop their inference skills.
Please help your child with their mental manipulation of numbers to increase their confidence and speed. They will need to know their tables off by heart and be able to recall multiplication facts out of context and possibly using a range of vocabulary e.g. What is six lots of five, or six times five. What happens if you divide thirty by five? What are the multiples of five to fifty? What is the product of 6 and 5? These are great for long car journeys or bath times! Every child has a TTRockstars log-on where they can easily practise their tables through play.
Water Bottles
Please ensure your child brings a named bottle to school every day, filled only with still, plain water. They must take this home each day after school so that it can be washed.
PE Kit
For the Autumn term the children should come to school in their PE kits on WEDNESDAY's and bring in their swimming kits on THURSDAY'S
We encourage healthy snacks. We ask that your child does not bring chocolate bars, crisps or sweets to school.
Urgent messages can be passed to the teachers via Mrs Pritchard/Mrs Aldcroft in the school office, by phone (01613384290) or e-mail ( If you wish to contact the teachers please use your child’s planner to liaise with staff or catch us in the morning or stratight after school. We have adopted a paperless system and will send home letters via ParentMail and all copies of letters can be found on the school website.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Taylor and Mrs Lavin