Believe, Achieve, Succeed
Admission Arrangements: Applying for School
We currently have school places available in some year groups.
The application process is online and you must ensure that you apply on the Tameside Council website at
Tameside Council will allocate school places according to their School Admissions Policy.
Ofsted Inspection
Inspection Date | 23rd - 24th July 2024 |
Outcome | Good |
Safeguarding | Effective |
Provisional Key Stage 2 Results 2024
Subject | School % achieving expected standard | National % achieving expected standard | School % achieving greater depth | National % achieving greater depth |
Reading | 82% | 74% | 23% | TBC |
Mathematics | 89% | 73% | 13% | TBC |
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) | 89% | 72% | 50% | TBC |
Writing | 55% | 72% | 0% | TBC |
Reading, writing and mathematics combined | 52% | 61% |
| TBC |
| School | National |
Average Scaled Score in Reading | TBC | TBC |
Average Scaled Score in Mathematics | TBC | TBC |
Average Scaled Score in GPS | TBC | TBC |
To achieve the expected standard children needed to reach a scaled score of 100 in the reading, mathematics and GPS tests and a scaled score of 110+ to achieve the greater depth standard.
The reading, writing and mathematics combined measure consisted of children achieving the 100+ scaled score in mathematics and reading and being teacher assessed at the expected standard for writing.
Subject | School | National |
Reading | TBC | TBC |
Writing | TBC | TBC |
Mathematics | TBC | TBC |
Individual pupil progress scores are calculated in comparison to other pupils nationally. For all mainstream pupils nationally, the average progress score was 0. A school progress score for individual subjects is presented as positive and negative numbers either side of 0. A score of 0 means pupils in this school, on average, do about as well at key stage 2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.
A positive score means pupils in this school on average do better at key stage 2 than those with similar prior attainment nationally.
A negative score does not mean that pupils did not make any progress between key stages 1 and 2. A negative score means that they made less progress than other pupils nationally with similar prior attainment.
DfE School Performance Tables
School Opening Hours
School opens at 8.30am
School closes at 3.00pm
Please see the Curriculum menu for details of our school curriculum.
Behaviour and Safety Policies
Federation Complaints Procedure
SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Information
Our Junior School SEND Coordinator is Mrs A. Stewart-Milne.
Our Federation Inclusion Lead is Mr B. Fuller
They can both be contacted on 0161 338 4290 or through the school office.
Complaints regarding SEND
Parents and carers of children with special educational needs (SEND) are welcomed into school to discuss any aspect of their child’s provision.
If parents and carers are not satisfied, or are unsure about any aspect of their child’s provision, they should make an appointment with the class teacher, Headteacher or SENCO to discuss this.
If parents and carers are dissatisfied with the outcome of any meetings held they should follow the formal Compaints Procedure (see above).
The Code of Practice outlines additional measures that the Local Authority must set up for preventing and resolving any disagreements. These can be explained if they are required.
Equality Objectives
We aim to provide all our pupils with the opportunity to succeed, and to reach the highest level of personal achievement.
To do this, we will:
Use contextual data to improve the ways in which we provide support to individuals and groups of pupils;
Monitor achievement data by ethnicity, gender and disability and action any gaps;
Take account of the achievement of all pupils when planning for future learning and setting challenging targets;
Ensure equality of access for all pupils and prepare them for life in a diverse society;
Use materials that reflect the diversity of the school, population and local community in terms of race, gender and disability, without stereotyping;
Promote attitudes and values that will challenge racist and other discriminatory behaviour or prejudice;
Provide opportunities for pupils to appreciate their own culture and celebrate the diversity of other cultures;
Seek to involve all parents in supporting their child’s education;
Encourage classroom and staffroom discussion of equality issues which reflect on social stereotypes, expectations and the impact on learning;
Include teaching and classroom-based approaches appropriate for the whole school population, which are inclusive and reflective of our pupils.
Please see our Equality Scheme (below) for more information.
Financial Information
Stalyhill Junior School Salaries over £100K
Nil Return
School's Income and Expenditure
You can find the school's income and expenditure information on the following link.
Pupil Premium
Please see below for information on how our Pupil Premium funds are spent:
Sports Premium
Please see below for information on how our Sport Premium funds are spent:
Charging Policy
Governors' Information and Duties
Please see the Governor Information tab (under Key Information) for details of our school governing body.
Privacy Notice
Values and Ethos
Stalyhill Junior school strives for the highest possible standards in everything we do. We provide broad, balanced and enriching experiences in an inspirational learning environment. We want every member of our learning community to achieve their potential and enjoy their education in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect.
At Stalyhill Junior School we aim:
To recognise the needs and talents of each pupil and to facilitate the development of the whole child: creatively, intellectually, morally, spiritually, emotionally, physically and socially to achieve their full potential.
To provide a caring and stimulating environment which fosters the happiness and security of all our pupils
To encourage the enthusiasm to learn and develop self-esteem, tolerance and an enquiring mind
To provide a broad and balanced curriculum which caters for the needs of the individual child irrespective of gender, ethnicity, social circumstances or level of ability
To develop responsibility and an awareness of self, in relation to both the environment and the wider community and to promote a sensible attitude towards health and safety.
To encourage good behaviour with clear guidelines and expectations
To value family participation in the life of the school
To promote the welfare, enthusiasm, teamwork and professional development of all staff within which each member of staff is valued
"Believe, Achieve, Succeed"
Paper copies of any information on this website are available from the school office free of charge.