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Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Stalyhill Junior School


***16th January ‘Stalyhill Stargazing Event’ at the junior school for year 1 and 5 between 4:30pm and 5:30pm***
A Search

Pupil Responsibility


Once children join Year 6, they have the opportunity to apply to become a school Prefect. Over the course of the year 24 children are prefects. They are an integral part of the smooth running of day to day operations in our school. 


Prefects are assigned a class to support at play and lunch times. They also carry out duties around school and give out weekly awards in assembly. They looked upon to set a good example to all children at all times. 

School Council
At Stalyhill, we are proud to have a fully elected School Council which gives the children a voice in the decision-making process. At the beginning of the academic year each class elects a representative, who takes the views of their class to the council meetings.

If you have an idea that you think could improve the school or there is something you are not happy with, remember you can talk to your school councillor who will raise it at the next council meeting.

After each School Council meeting, the class councillor will tell their class what has been discussed.

Each term the school council will write a report to Mrs Stewart-Milne and Chair of Governors to talk about how things are going in school and to share any new ideas for school improvement.

Science Ambassadors

Other responsibilities

We also have opportunities for children to take part in maintaining and supporting the smooth running of our school in other ways. 

These include;

  • Being librarians and helping to keep our library tidy and organised
  • Preparing the hall for assembly by putting the benches out and working the computer
  • Organising litter picks
  • Organising lost property and returning labelled items to the right classrooms. 